Thursday, September 10, 2015

How to know when a new blog post appears!

One thing I realize that I forgot to mention yesterday during our first class meeting was how to subscribe to blog updates.

Because each of you will serve as the lead blog-poster this semester, and everyone else will then have to reply via comments to that post, I thought it would be useful for you to know how to get alerted when a new post arrives.

You have two main options for getting alerted about new posts: 1) RSS Feed updates, and 2) email notifications.

If you're not using or checking an RSS reader frequently, then I would suggest option #2 as the easiest and most convenient.

On the right-hand column of the blog underneath the Twitter stream of #DisHist posts, you'll find a number of links and resources to earlier blog posts and to the blog authors. At the bottom of those, you'll find a link where you can subscribe to new posts via email. Here's a screenshot of where to subscribe:
(Pretty blog-inception-y, huh?)

As a final reminder, the lead blog poster (this week it's Emily) needs to post the initial reactions to the reading by MIDNIGHT on the MONDAY before class (so this week, that'll be on September 14. Chag Sameach!) The rest of the commenters need to have their responses done and posted by MIDNIGHT on the TUESDAY before class (again, this week that'll be on September 15.) 

Similarly, those of you adding the dates to the timeline on a given week should also complete those by MIDNIGHT on the TUESDAY before class.

Of course, having your email notifications about new posts will make life easier, so that you'll all know once that initial post goes up and can rush to your laptops to write a response.

I'll look forward to our first discussion this next Wednesday!

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