Sunday, September 13, 2015

Student-led discussions: "What're you looking for?"

One additional thing I also wanted to pass along in advance of our first meeting on Wednesday was the rubric I'll use for evaluating contributions to our student-led discussions.

Here it is (along with the details of how to earn make-up points in the event you don't participate in a discussion):

As I've taught almost all of you before, this structure should hopefully seem familiar to what you did in either AP Euro or Western Civ. Along those lines, the same expectations and guidelines for decorum also hold true for how we interact in class (respectful listening; building on one another's comments; avoiding interruptions; working to integrate those who haven't spoke into the conversation, etc.) Finally, I'll continue to play a similar role as note-taker and conversation observer and will only jump in when we veer off-track or need to escape from the conversational doldrums.

Finally, below is the video that we'll be discussing in our class on Wednesday (along with the transcript of that talk, if you're interested.

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